Teaching Strategies/Scholastic Books

Partnering with Parents

Scholastic Books

The Scholastic Book program allows us to offer an opportunity for parents to purchase books for their child at a discounted price. Each book purchase you make results in new books for the classrooms. Flyers are distributed monthly to parents. Use the convenient online order option or send the order back to school. Either way, your child receives books at a great price and we are able to bring in new materials for them to use in the classrooms. Order online.

Teaching Strategies

Teaching Strategies is the online assessment program used at BVCP. Observations are recorded and used to assist the teachers in creating curriculum plans for both individuals and groups. Parents are encouraged to join us in using this program. We use both school and home records to target children’s learning styles, strengths and interests so that we may better develop a curriculum plan that suits the needs of the children. View online assessment program

Parent Resources

Locate local and state agencies quickly with this list of community resources. Download pdf

Mass Dept of EEC

Blackstone Valley Children’s Place is licensed by the Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care. For more information, visit their website.